Group Transport
The Flyer is available for hire by individuals and groups from the local community. You can go anywhere in the UK, you can use bus lanes in busy towns and you do not need to pay a congestion charge in London. The Flyer can accommodate up to 14 people including the driver.
Before starting the process of hiring the bus, please consider the following.
If you're happy you meet the criteria to hire the bus, check the calendar to see if the Flyer is available. Then contact the Booking Secretary Janet, who is in charge of the Flyer diary : her number is 01672-520682 or 07584 253117 or email She will confirm the availability, and help you sort out your Hirer forms (which can be downloaded below).
The community rate to hire the flyer is very low, only £1.25 per mile for the first 100 miles and £1 per mile thereafter. Private hire has £25 booking fee then £1.50 per mile for the first 100 miles and £1 per mile thereafter.
Once you've reserved the bus, you will need to find a volunteer driver. This must be someone from our list of existing volunteers.
To download the hire forms or Conditions of Hire please click on the links below
If you have ideas for other trips that you would like us to organise then please mention them to Janet on 520682 or email